Our Mission

Our Mission is to create India’s largest Artistic Community!

Tap Your Talents, a vibrant platform enabling a unique collaboration of artists and art organizations in 7 Talent Categories from all over India.

Dancing I Music I Singing I Painting I Photography I Creative Writing I Acting

Tap Your Talents welcomes artists from all around India with different caliber, including students, hobbyists, aspiring artists as well as expert tutors, from rural villages to urban cities, irrespective of caste, creed, or gender. Our mission is to give anyone from anywhere in India to be able to showcase their Talent confidently, discover their passions and get a head start in their artistic career using our unique features.

SHOWCASE YOUR TALENTS-Upload your talent posts as well as view, like, comment or share posts of other members in SHOWCASE.

CREATE YOUR UNIQUE PORTFOLIO – By sharing your talent posts you automatically create your own talent portfolio for art organizations to view.

GET DISCOVERED- The more likes you get for your post, the higher you move up the LEAGUE increasing your chances to be discovered by art organization.

COMPETE TO BE THE BEST-Participate and challenge other talented members in various uniquely themed competitions in COMPETE, sponsored by us or other art organizations, promote your talents for a chance to win exciting prizes and get felicitated.

GET ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS – ask for tips or advice related to your talent to be answered by the members of the platform in FORUM.

APPLY FOR JOBS – You will be able to apply for jobs posted by our art organizations in EARN.

ENROL FOR COURSES- If you wish to enhance your talent, you will be able to enroll for courses posted by our art organizations and gain new skills in LEARN.

AMPLIFY YOUR TALENTS- Discover art organizations or SHOP for products which may help you enhance your talents.

BUILD YOUR NETWORK – Socialize with the artistic community through our messaging feature, support, mentor and encourage rising talent, engage with members, and put your skills forward.

Tap Your Talents welcomes any organizations from any part of India who support art or encourage and produce art projects, hire talent, or provide art merchandise, schools or colleges who promote creative student projects as well as companies who promote employee wellbeing activities. As an organisation, you will be able to discover artists within your specific talent scope as well as be able to market your services to your target market using our unique features.

CREATE YOUR BRAND AWARENESS- Browse through our SHOWCASE posts and market your brand by commenting artists.

MENTOR TALENT- Build your authority mentoring or advising artists in FORUM thereby promoting your expertise in the specific talent category.

DISCOVER TALENT – Discover and connect with the most popular artists in the LEAGUE, Judge competitions, view their portfolios, and create opportunities for them.

LAUNCH COMPETITIONS – Request us to launch and manage your own unique and personalised, Public or Private competitions in COMPETE, the most efficient marketing technique, in a structured way and attract artists as per your talent scope. 

HIRE TALENT- Post your job requirements and connect with artists suitable for your project from your preferred location in EARN.

MARKET YOUR BUSINESS – Place an ADVERTISE for your business or showcase a SHOP with the products or services offered by your business in the specific talent category.

LAUNCH VIRTUAL COURSES / WORKSHOPS- you can launch free courses or workshops as taster sessions for artists, another great marketing strategy, as well as launch paid courses and start generating passive income, all managed from your dashboard.

Join now and be a part of India’s artistic community.

Check out the Promo !