Welcome to a platform
where you can proudly showcase your unique talents, discover other talented achievers in League, connect with them to get tips and inspiration in forum as well as compete against them to be the best and draw your path to success. Not only that you can now learn from the experts, find a job, and earn as well as shop suitable products to enhance your talents. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

How it Works

1. Register
A quick registration is what you need to start using the platform.

2. Log in
Once registered you can log in to experience your personal profile as well as use the various features of the Platform.

3. Discover your Talents
Choose the Talent category you wish to explore.

4. Showcase
This is where you can upload posts showcasing your talent as well as view posts of other users.

5. Compete
Here you will find the details of any upcoming competitions and the option to register for them.

6. League
Here you can view the most popular and talented users, you can connect with them and get advice, hire them for their skills or simply learn from them.

7. Forum
This is where you can ask questions regarding the Talent or answer other user's queries, give and take tips and advice as well as connect with a group of like-minded users with common interests.

8. Earn
This is where you can find jobs in your area or for your skillset.

9. Learn
Here you can learn and enhance your skills, take up a free or paid course by experts in the field.

10. Shops
This is where you can find some shops whose products can help you enhance your Talent.