The Tap Your Talents [Website and Mobile Apps] is a platform developed for the artistic community, a complete ecosystem for artists and organisations, belonging in either category of Acting, Dancing, Music, Singing, Writing, Painting and Photography.
Tap Your Talents provides talented artists a medium to showcase their talent by creating a unique talent portfolio, the ability to compete on a digital platform and win prizes as well as an opportunity to learn as well as earn. Artists can share advice and tips and communicate with each other as well as appreciate the work of exceptional talents.
For organizations, on Tap Your Talents, their search for Talent is simplified and they have the options to post jobs, setup their shop to market their products, as well as launch free and paid courses for a specific talent set.

Currently the Tap Your Talents platform has 7 Talent categories:

  • Acting
  • Dancing
  • Music
  • Singing
  • Creative Writing
  • Painting
  • Photography

Currently the Tap Your Talents platform has 7 Features:

Registering to Tap Your Talents is very easy.
You can view posts without registering however you would need to be a registered user to use the various features of the platform.

First go to the LOGIN screen 

Website: You should see the option to Sign up on the Top Menu.

Android or IOS Mobile App: After you have installed the app, when you first open the app, you will get the option to register.

Then select your user type.
Currently we have 3 user types - Artist, Organisation and Voter

You should see the Signup Option on the Lefthand side.
Enter your details for your user type on the form and register with a valid e-mail id.
You will be successfully registered after you verify your e-mail id through the E-mail we send you.

or you can use the below 2 options to register too

  1. Register using your Facebook credentials. When you choose the Facebook option, your Facebook credentials are used for registration. No verification needed.
  2. Register using Your Google credentials. When you choose the Google option, your Google account credentials are used for registration. No Verification needed.
  3. IOS -Register using Your Apple credentials. When you choose the Apple option, your Apple account credentials are used for registration. No Verification needed.

You can register as an organization if your company can support artists, can collaborate with them, hire them, if you are interested in launching free or paid courses or you consider a particular talent group as your market scope.

Once registered, your profile will be visible on our Organizations page.

As an organisation, you will be able to discover artists within your specific talent scope as well as be able to market your services to your target market using our unique features.

In SHOWCASE, view posts of talented aspiring artists and like, comment or share the posts thereby creating awareness of your organization.
In COMPETE, launch your own unique and personalised competitions, the most efficient marketing technique, in a structured way and attract artists as per your talent scope. [Request Competition package from the Dashboard]
In LEAGUE, discover and connect with the most popular artists, view their portfolios, and create opportunities for them.
In FORUM, interact with artists by answering their queries as well as sharing tips, thereby marketing your organization.
In EARN, if you are looking for an artist with a specific talent, then post your job requirements from your dashboard and start receiving applications.
In SHOPS, you will be able to set up your shop from your dashboard and market the unique products of your business to a dedicated talent set.
In LEARN, you can launch free courses as taster sessions for artists, another great marketing strategy, as well as launch paid courses and start generating passive income, all managed from your dashboard.
Our unique features help your organisation stand out in the creative art market. Our Promotional Services can further enhance your marketing strategies and introduce our artist base to your business offerings.
For Sponsorship or Collaborations opportunities or any other queries contact support@tapyourtalents.com

Organisations we are welcoming 
Dance studios and classes
Art classes. art suppliers, art galleries
Publishers, content creators, Magazines
Casting agencies, video creators
Event management companies, singing classes
Music creators, TV show agents
Photography suppliers, travel agents

You can register as an Artist and select your Talent Tag to start showcasing your talent in your specific talent category.

As an artist you will be able to
Upload Posts and create your unique portfolio, like, share and comment on posts in SHOWCASE.

Participate in competitions as well as Vote for member participants in COMPETE.
Enter the artist league as well as view other artist portfolios and follow them in LEAGUE.
Add a topic or answer questions in FORUM.

Enroll to free or paid courses in LEARN.
Apply for jobs in EARN.
Check out products which may enhance your talent in SHOP.

Our mission is to give aspiring artists a platform to showcase their talent and take their first step towards success. So, join and be a part of our artistic community.

You can register as a Voter and simply vote for competition entries as well as like showcase posts.
You won't have access to the other features of the platform.
You may choose to change your user type to ARTIST from the dashboard.

  1. You may have registered before and forgot your password. You can click the forgot password option.
  2. You may have registered using your Facebook credentials and trying to register again using the normal method.
  3. You may be trying to register through the Facebook option and may have already registered using the normal method.
  4. Check your inbox or maybe your spam folder, you may not have verified your registration e-mail.
  5. You may have registered using your Google credentials and trying to register again using the normal method.
  6. You may be trying to register through the Google option and may have already registered using the normal method.

  1. If you had registered using Facebook credentials , you have to log in using the Facebook option.
  2. If you had registered using Google credentials, you have to log in using the Google option.
  3. If you had registered using Apple credentials, you have to log in using the Google option.
  4. If you had registered normally then you would need to enter the credentials you have registered with to log in.
  5. Check your inbox or maybe your spam folder, you may not have verified your registration e-mail. Once you verify your e-mail id, you should be able to log in.
  6. You may be entering a wrong password. You can click the forgot password option.

To reset your password, click the forgot password link. You will be sent an e-mail with a code which you will be asked to enter in order to reset your password. Please note, this does not apply for Facebook logins.

You can easily change your password by going to My Profile then clicking Change Password. Please note, if you have registered using your Facebook credentials then you won't be able to change the Password.

You can skip registering by clicking the skip button. You can view posts without registering however you would need to be a registered user to use the various features of the platform. You won’t be able to upload posts in the showcase section, take part in competitions in the compete section or vote, post topics in the forum section, enroll for courses, apply for jobs or message other users unless you register with a valid e-mail id.

Each Talent category will have this section. Here you can view other users posts as well as upload your own posts. Currently, you have a limit of 50 posts so we advise you to upload your bests posts as eventually this builds up your talent portfolio. Also, depending upon the number of likes your posts receive, your position in the LEAGUE moves up.

You should be able to publish content by clicking the ADD POST button.

The type of content you can upload varies as per the category.

Acting: Videos from gallery [Max Limit - 150 MB], YouTube URLs

Dancing: Videos from gallery [Max Limit - 150 MB], YouTube URLs

Singing: Videos from gallery [Max Limit - 150 MB], YouTube URLs

Music: Videos from gallery [Max Limit - 150 MB], YouTube URLs

Photography: Photos from gallery, camera

Painting: Photos from gallery, camera

Writing: free text, Word document, PDF

Yes, the current limit of posts in each Category is 50. This is to enable you to have a portfolio of your best work. 
The number of posts you have posted and the number of posts remaining is usually visible on the Add Post pop up.

Also, there is a limit of 150MB on Video Uploads in the Acting, Singing,Music and Dancing Categories. If your video size is greater then consider shortening your video or using a YouTube link of your Video. 

This is because on YouTube you haven't enabled Embedding. So, go to your video settings on YouTube and tick the -Allow Embedding- option

We take all complaints or negative feedback very seriously. You can contact us through our CONTACT US form or email support@tapyourtalents.com your complaint of a POST with as much detail as possible and we will try and resolve your issue. Or in SHOWCASE, you can click on the 3 dots on the righthand side and select REPORT POST. We will investigate and take necessary actions

You can view all your posts by going to My Profile then clicking My Posts.

You can view all your posts by going to My Profile then clicking My Posts. Here you will have the option to unpublish any unwanted posts. By unpublishing your post, it will be removed from the SHOWCASE stream however your Post limit count will not be affected. If you wish to increase your Post Limit then use the delete option which will permanently delete the post.

You can view all your posts by going to My Profile then clicking My Posts. Here you will have the option to delete any unwanted posts. Deleting a post will permanently remove it from your profile and update your Post Limit. If you don't want to delete your post but just remove it from the SHOWCASE stream, then use the Unpublish option.

Each Talent category will have this section. In this section, you will be able to see the latest competitions taking place as well as register for any competitions or vote for any competition entry. We organise both Public, open to all competitions as well as Private, open to a particular group. 

In the COMPETE section of any of the categories, or on the competitions page, you will be able to see the latest competitions and the number of entries allowed. Once you have registered as an Artist, provided there are spaces remaining and the last date to enter hasn’t passed, you should be able to register for that competition by clicking on the register button. You would need to enter some details and pay for the registration fee unless it is free. You should submit your entry carefully, having understood the theme as well as the requirements of the competition as you won’t be able to submit anything again. If its a paid competition, then the registration fee is completely non-refundable unless there is some technical issue on our platform whilst submission of your entry. Hence, you should also thoroughly read and understand the competition rules as if your post doesn't comply with them then your entry will be disqualified and removed without notice. For video uploads [Singing, Music, Acting, Dance], make sure you are uploading a video in MP4 format. For Photo uploads [Photography, Painting], make sure you are uploading in .jpg or .png format. For uploads in writing, make sure you are uploading .doc or .pdf formats. You should receive a message confirming your registration as well as see the entry you have uploaded in the MY COMPETITION section. 

In the COMPETE section of any of the categories, or on the competitions page, you will be able to see the latest competitions and the number of entries allowed. Private competitions are tagged as PRIVATE. Once you have registered as an Artist, provided there are spaces remaining and the last date to enter hasn’t passed, you should be able to register for that competition by clicking on the register button. For a private competition, the organiser would have shared a unique code with you. On clicking the Register button, you will need to enter that code, then only you will be able to go further. You would need to enter some details and pay for the registration fee unless it is free. You should submit your entry carefully, having understood the theme as well as the requirements of the competition as you won’t be able to submit anything again. If its a paid competition, then the registration fee is completely non-refundable unless there is some technical issue on our platform whilst submission of your entry. Hence, you should also thoroughly read and understand the competition rules as if your post doesn't comply with them then your entry will be disqualified and removed without notice. For video uploads [Singing, Music, Acting, Dance], make sure you are uploading a video in MP4 format. For Photo uploads [Photography, Painting], make sure you are uploading in .jpg or .png format. For uploads in writing, make sure you are uploading .doc or .pdf formats. You should receive a message confirming your registration as well as see the entry you have uploaded in the MY COMPETITION section. 

Below is the usual process of most of our competitions
Round 1 - Registrations

In the COMPETE section of any of the categories, or on the COMPETITIONS page, you will be able to see the latest competitions and the number of entries allowed. Provided there are spaces remaining and the last date to enter hasn’t passed, you should be able to register for that competition by clicking on the register button. Note- Only Artists are allowed to compete. This is the Registration Round 1. You would need to enter some details and pay for the registration fee unless it is free. You should submit your entry carefully, having understood the theme as well as the requirements of the competition as you won’t be able to submit another entry again. If you are entering a paid competition, the fee is totally non-refundable unless there was a technical error on our platform. You should also thoroughly read and understand the competition rules as if your post doesn't comply with them then your entry will be disqualified and removed without any notice. You should receive a message confirming your registration and your entry should be visible in the MY COMPETITION section of your dashboard. You can register in any PUBLIC competitions but for PRIVATE competitions you will need the unique code provided to you by the organisor of the competition.

Round 2 - Tap your Talents Judge voting starts 
Once the last date of the competition registration has passed, or max entries received, the competition will move to the Judge Round 2. Only entries satisfying the theme of the competition as well as other criteria move to this round. Platform judges will select the Finalists. All round 2 participants are e-mailed the outcomes. Finalists are e-mailed the next steps; in some instances we even promote the finalists on our social platforms. Participants who were not selected as finalists will be e-mailed a Certificate of Participation. 

Round 3 – Member Voting 
Once finalists are announced, the Voting Round 3 commences. All members of the platform are invited to vote as well as the finalists can promote their entry in their own way to get supporter votes. Note- fake or dodgy voting is strictly prohibited, our systems can identify voting done from the same device, in such cases your entry will be disqualified as well as your account deleted from our platform. In some instances, we can decide to skip this round.

Voting will be allowed till 12PM of the voting end date, after which the post who has the highest number of votes will be automatically declared the winner. There may or may not be runner-up prizes. The winning user(s) will be sent their prize(s) and their Certificate of achievements and will be displayed on the Talented Achievers page. They will also be promoted on the Tap Your Talents social platforms. The winner(s) will need to provide ID proof for verification. In some cases, the winner will receive a call from us to interview them for their story.

This is the usual Competition process, however we do organise certain Special Competitions too which may have different rules, winning criteria and processes, so we advise all to read the competition description as well as the Rules on the registration page thoroughly before submitting their entry. 

You can view all the Competitions you have registered for by going in the My Profile section then clicking My Competitions. Once, the Competition voting closes and the Winners are announced the non-winning entries are automatically deleted. So, unless you have won, your entry from this section will be removed. If you have won, then your entry will also be displayed on the Talented Achievers Page.

All members of the platform will be invited to vote. Fake email ids are identified and not verified during signup, so fake voting is not possible.
Once a competition is open for member voting, there are 2 ways to vote, please note you can vote for as many deserving entries as you want but can only vote once for a specific entry and you cannot vote in a competition you have registered for yourself.

  1. You can check all the active competitions in the Upcoming Competitions section. Select the competition which is open for voting and you would like to vote for and click the vote button. You can browse all the entries and vote for the entries you like.
  2. You can go to the COMPETE section of any category and select the competition which is open for voting and you would like to vote for and click the vote button. You can browse all the entries and vote for the entries you like.
Supporters of the participants can signup to the platform as voters and vote for them however, we also request them to check out the other participants works and vote for other deserving entries too.

Each Talent category will have this section. Depending on the number of likes a user gets on his posts in the SHOWCASE section, they will appear in the league. The User with the most post likes will appear first. Tap your talents regularly felicitates League Toppers and their chances of being discovered by organisations remain high.

Each Talent category will have this section. Here you may post a topic or a question and other users are open to answer or comment on it.

You can view all your comments you may have posted in the forum section by going to My Profile then clicking My Comments.

Each Talent category will have this section. Here you will be able to view and enrol for courses our organisations would have launched.

You should be able to see free or paid courses in the LEARN section of your specific talent category if you are registered as an artist on the platform. You can click any course and view its description. If it is a free course, clicking the ENROL button will enrol you to the course and you should be able to get lifetime access to it. If it is a paid course, you will need to pay the set fees by clicking on the enrol button following which you should be able to get lifetime access. The enrolled course will be added to the My Courses section on your dashboard too, so you can access it whenever you wish.

You will need to have an organisation account on the platform. If you are an artist, then you can also have an organisation account on the platform representing your company or business. You won’t be able to post a course if you are on the free subscription. You will be able to post depending on your chosen subscription limits.  To post a course, please go to your dashboard -> go to My Courses. You have the option to launch free courses as well as paid courses depending on your current subscription plan. Here depending on your course limits, you will be able to launch a course and then depending on your chapters limit, you can add chapters to it. Once launched, it will appear in the Learn section of the selected talent category. Watch DEMO

Each Talent category will have this section. Here you would be able for jobs posted by our organisations.

You will need to have an organisation account on the platform. If you are an artist, then you can also have an organisation account on the platform representing your company or business. You won’t be able to post a job if you are on the free subscription. You can post the below number of jobs depending on your subscription level. Bronze- Max 1 job. Silver – Max 5 jobs. Gold - Max 10 jobs. To post a Job, please go to your dashboard -> go to My Jobs. Here depending on your Job upload limits, you will be able to launch a job. Once launched, it will appear in the Earn section of the selected talent category. Watch Demo

You should be able to see jobs in the EARN section of your specific talent category if you are registered as an artist on the platform. You can click a job and view its details. If you wish you can click the APPLY button to apply for the job. On application, you will be e-mailed a confirmation, and the organisation will be emailed your application. It is entirely the responsibility and decision of the organisation to contact you back regarding your job application. The job you apply for will appear in the My Jobs section.

Each Talent category will have this section. Here you can browse and view shops setup by various organisations which may have products that can enhance your talent. You can view further products of the organisation by clicking on their website.

You will need to have an organisation account on the platform. If you are an artist, then you can also have an organisation account on the platform representing your company or business. You won’t be able to set up a shop if you are on the free or bronze subscription. To setup a shop, please go to your dashboard -> go to My Shop. Here, you will be able to set up your shop and then add up to 20 products to your shop.

This page lists all the winners of all the previous competitions.

You can go to My Profile then click Edit Profile to edit or update your Profile information. 

This category may interest aspirants of acting. Here you will be able to showcase your acting talent in the form of acts, stand-up comedy, vlogs, mimicry, etc. Here, you can find acting jobs as well as courses.

This category may interest aspirants of Dancing. Here you will be able to showcase your Dancing talent in the form of various dance styles. Here, you can find dance jobs as well as courses.

This category may interest aspirants of Music. Here you will be able to showcase your Music talent using various musical instruments as well as their own musical compilation. Here, you can find music jobs as well as courses.

This category may interest aspirants of Singing. Here you will be able to showcase your Singing talent in the form of songs of any genres or language. Here, you can find Singing jobs as well as courses.

This category may interest aspirants of Photography. Here you will be able to showcase your photographic talent in the form of photos or pictures of various categories like nature, people, wild life, etc. Here, you can find acting jobs as well as courses.

This category may interest aspirants of Painting. Here you will be able to showcase your artistic talent in the form of paintings of various styles. Here, you can find Painting jobs as well as courses.

This category may interest aspirants of creative writing. Here you will be able to showcase your creative talent of writing in the form of free text, short stories, blogs, poetry, etc. Here, you can find writing jobs as well as courses.

We would be really sad to delete your account however if you wish to leave us you can contact us through the CONTACT US page or email support@tapyourtalents.com a request to delete your account. It would be great if you could provide us with a reason of why you are leaving us too.Or you can simply click the DELETE MY PROFILE button from your dashboard.

If you are interested in sponsoring a competition in a particular talent category, then you can contact us through our CONTACT US form or email support@tapyourtalents.com and we will get back to you with further details. We can also post your details in the sponsor's section.

We would really appreciate your testimonial or positive feedback. You can contact us through our CONTACT US form or email support@tapyourtalents.com with your comments. we also put selected testimonials on our home page

We take all complaints or negative feedback very seriously. You can contact us through our CONTACT US form or email support@tapyourtalents.com your complaint with as much detail as possible and we will try and resolve your issue.

Running competitions is a good way to market to a set audience as well as discover extraordinary talent. We are offering this service to organizations registered on our platform. So to launch your own competition you will need to register as an Organization. And then from the dashboard , you can click the REQUEST COMPETITION button to view and submit a request as per your package selection. And we will action it once we receive your request. You will have the option to launch a private or a public competition.

Running competitions is a good way to market to a set audience as well as discover extraordinary talent. We are offering this service to organizations registered on our platform. So to launch your own competition you will need to register as an Organization. And then from the dashboard , you can click the REQUEST COMPETITION button to view and submit a request as per your package selection. And we will action it once we receive your request. You have the option to launch a PUBLIC competition, here any member of the platform can participate in your competition

Running competitions is a good way to enhance your community's creativity. So we also enable you to launch private competitions specifically for your own community to participate in. Privacy is maintained using a unique code whilst registering and voting for competition entries

We take all complaints or negative feedback very seriously. You can contact us through our CONTACT US form or email support@tapyourtalents.com your complaint of a user with as much detail as possible and we will try and resolve your issue. Or in SHOWCASE, you can click on the 3 dots on the righthand side and select REPORT USER or you can open the user profile and click on the 3 dots on the right hand side and select REPORT user from there. Anyhow we will investigate and take necessary actions

If you don not want to see a particular user's post, you can block that user by opening that user's profile and clicking on the 3 dots on the right hand side and selecting BLOCK user.

From your dashboard you will find the BLOCKED option where you will see a list of all your blocked users, you can select the unblock option and unblock that specific user

At Tap Your Talents, we encourage every artist and we want to create a supportive community. So, we felicitate artists who encourage, like and vote for other members. Members are assigned a Bronze, Silver or Gold badge depending on the number of posts they have liked.
A Bronze badge is assigned when they like more then 100 posts
A Silver badge is assigned when they like more then 300 posts.
And a Gold badge is assigned when they like more then 500 Posts
We regularly promote and felicitate the Top Supporters, they can also be seem on our Home Page.

You will need to have an organisation account on the platform. If you are an artist, then you can also have an organisation account on the platform representing your company or business. You won’t be able to post an advertise if you are on the free subscription. To setup an ad, go to your dahboard->My Advertise, and upload your ad details. Your ad will be visible in the Featured section of our homepage for 30 days

You will only see this option, if you have an organisation account on the platform. If you are an artist, then you can also have an organisation account on the platform representing your company or business. When you launch Paid courses on the platform, if artists enroll to your course, you will start accumulating earnings in your wallet, which you will see in the My EARNINGS section. Tap Your Talents deduct 10% admin charge from the earning, rest is available for you to withdraw. You can see all transactions history here. When you are ready to withdraw your earnings you can submit a request from here, and we will be in touch for the payment